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Coalition Government Backs RJ
The Coalition Government has published its ‘Green Paper’ on sentencing policy. “Breaking the cycle: effective punishment, rehabilitation and sentencing of offenders” was announced by Justice Secretary Ken Clarke in the House ofRead More…
August’s Poem
A couple of years ago, John felt unwell, went to hospital and discovered he was suffering from an inherited heart disorder. This prompted some research and introspection which resulted in this poemRead More…
Coalition Government reveals plans for prisons
The Prime Minister and Lord Chancellor have launched the Coalition Government’s Structural Reform Plan, outlining reform priorities for the Ministry of Justice. The Ministry of Justice’s SRP sets out the top fiveRead More…
SORI – the Hardest Word?
A few weeks ago, on a Thursday afternoon I went to Hewell prison to take part in the SORI project, by visiting, meeting and talking with some prisoners who are doingRead More…
This Month’s Poem
Every month Aspire member John writes poetry to fit with the unique themes of the Chapel services. These vary in style but always manage to combine a rare mixture of gentle humourRead More…
Aspire at Knowle Parish
Aspire were on the road again in November, visiting churches around the Midlands and leading worship for those congregations. This is an important aspect of what Aspire do, helping inform Christians aboutRead More…
Youth Justice Review
The youth justice system in England & Wales was last redesigned shortly after the present government came to power with the Crime & Disorder Act 1998. You can see more of theRead More…