School was a miserable experience that day
I got thrown out of class
But first let me say
That in my defence
The missile I threw
Was not meant to hit
That large pot of glue
It fell off the table – the teacher’s no less
And crashed on the floor
To make such a mess
Outside I was banished
To shamefully wait
Till home time arrived
When I raced for the gate
You cannot blame me – I was only six
We all were the same
We all sported tricks
I was finding my feet
In life’s pantomime
But in school I found trouble
Most of the time
So I headed for home that cold afternoon
Pouring with rain
Hope I get there soon
Dark clouds were menacing
Chill wind was a – blowing
Can’t see where it came from
But I know where it’s going
My house stood waiting at the top of this road
It was so far ahead
The elements slowed….
….me making progress
Oh no – is it true
What have I trod in ?
Oh look at my shoe
The punishing rain did keep me in check
All over my collar
And right down my neck
On the pavement edge
I then did suffer
This crazy car splashed me….
Right there in the gutter
My whole day at school was such a disaster
All because my art
I just could not master
Concentration is hard
Then my focus wanes
I struggle to paint
So then boredom reigns
But who cares about that useless place
And my odious teacher
Who’s a complete nutcase
But today is Wednesday
So when I get home
It’s pork chop time
On a huge great bone
Mother’s roast potatoes will be lying there
With gravy so thick
I’ll be claiming my share
Then my favourite dish
That’s every boys dream
There’s hot apple pie
With lashings of cream
Must stop this food fantasy and finish the walk
And immediately cease
All of that school talk
The more I consider
Of where I belong
The faster my feet
Do shuffle along
Well here is my door, someone please be in
Let’s turn round my day
From lose to win
I accepted the consequence
Of my classroom badness
And braved the punishment
Of that weather madness
There’s a welcome from Mom with such a big smile
That helps me forget
Today’s bitter trial
She pulls off my coat
That is twice the weight
With all the wetness
Of precipitate
The door shuts tight, the world is closed out
I am safe, secure
From teacher’s shout
They don’t understand
At my primary school
They treat me just like
A complete primary fool
The smell, smell that, that’s good, good food
In cooking, oh yes
My Mom is well clued
See that roaring fire
Soon my face gets warm
Starts healing me from….
…the angry storm
Beside the fire waiting, sits this comfy chair
I soon eye it up
And sink into there
Upon my damp knees
Mom places a tray
Blessed with scrumptious meal
I then feed away
In corner the television brightens up our night
We watch Mary Poppins
Who flies out of sight
With that great umbrella
Should have given it to me
Then I would have arrived
A bit drier for tea
So the hours passed by in our warm little bubble
I forgot all ‘bout school
And my bit of trouble
Outside the world was….
….so tough to endure
All I knew inside
Was safe and secure
The years have passed by and I’ve kids of my own
They sometimes arrive
A bit weathered back home
So I remember my Mom
How she’d make me feel
Creating a fortress
A refuge so real
I make sure of a welcome of warmth at the door
A ‘how’s your day been’
And there’s hugs galore
We make them feel loved
And pleased to be part
Of a blest family
With God at the heart